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Read this before buying Apple AirPods.
Since the launch of Apple Airpods on December 13, 2016. Apple Airpods became the World’s most famous truly wireless earbuds in the market. Why?
Because of the minimal design and the convenience of using them.
After the launch of Apple Airpods, many other companies like Anker, Google, Samsung, Sennheiser, Beats, etc also started to make truly wireless earbuds, many of them are very similar to Apple Airpods and many of them are using different design approach while keeping the price of earbuds lesser than Airpods. You can find so many comparisons between famous earbuds and Apple Airpods on the internet but we thought why not comparing the most affordable truly wireless earbud available in the market with the famous Apple Airpods.
So we chose Redmi Airdots:
Truly Wireless Earbuds with the cost of 1/7th of Apple Airpods:
“Redmi” is a child company of Chinese most famous tech giant “Xiaomi”.
People also called “Xiaomi” the Apple of China.
They offer many household electronics products and lifestyle products. We found their most affordable wireless earbuds so we thought why not compare them with the famous Apple Airpods.